If You Work Long Enough….

November 20, 2009

As we begin our managerial careers, most of us start out supervising people who are older than we are.  Some of us react negatively and consider it to be a threat.  Others use the opportunity to learn from people with experience.  Have you given much thought to what it will be like on the other side of the equation?

Two things are certain in your career if you work long enough:

  1. You’ll eventually become a number to an organization (with very rare exception)
  2. You’ll eventually work for someone who is younger than you are

When I was younger, I’m sure I felt intimidated by the older subordinate–especially if I received a promotion into the managerial role and that person was also a candidate.  That prompted me to consider how my new, younger supervisor felt about having to come in and supervise me.  I sure hope I practiced what I’m about to say.   I felt I was talented and had much to offer, but wanted my newer and younger supervisor to make use of what I brought, and to recognize me for my efforts.  The latter was sometimes an issue.  To watch my new and younger supervisor take credit for my efforts or ideas was difficult to swallow.

Now I do understand that the supervisor does get the credit for his/her department’s successes, and I’m OK with that.  However, occasionally letting others know where the ideas came from would have gone a long way to helping us bond.  Otherwise a feeling of resentment grows.  As I look back, I hope my older subordinates knew that I wasn’t there for any personal agenda, and any mistakes I made were out of ignorance and not malice.  Now I hope that my younger supervisor feels that he/she can certainly learn from me and that I’m not there to undermine authority.

Wherever you are in your career, think what your older subordinate is going through, or what your younger supervisor is experiencing.  Anticipate the insecurities each is experiencing, and remember that you’ll occupy each of those roles at some time in your career–if you work long enough.