Sizzle and/or Steak

We’re seduced by one but rely on the other.  The analogy works very well in the business world.  We’re drawn to presentation but once we get past that, we hope there’s an ample portion of steak to keep us going.  Think how many times you’ve seen the flashy individual, or consultant, get the plum job or assignment based purely upon his/her sizzle.  The show was enough to win over the decision-maker, but when it came time to produce, the steak was one big piece of gristle.

In an ideal situation, you’d like to be able to produce a very enticing sizzle, but then have the steak to back it up.  Of the two, having steak is probably the best in the long run.  However, you want to be able to make a presentation that sells.  I’ve always thought of myself as having good steak but very little sizzle, and have been able to rationalize that in my mind.  How do you feel about your personal situation?

When you’re choosing new staff do you give ample consideration to what’s behind their sizzle?  Your organization will be feeding on the steak long after the sizzle has gone silent.  Your team will surely recognize which is more important to you, and may adapt their agendas to your preferences.

This will be a rather short post.  I’d like to get some discussion going.  What do you think?


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